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AIVC Accessibility

AIVC  views special education differently. Special education used to mean that individuals with disabilities received individualized specialized plans that cater to their needs. The process used to involve school boards, parents, therapists, behavior specialists, behavior technicians, applied behavior analysis, discrete trial training, paraprofessionals, special classes, special schools, and the list goes on! At AIVC, we believe everyone benefits from individualized education because we are all individuals. Our mission is to increase accessibility by providing specialized education for all students. Students enrolled in AIVC have access to constant AI assessment, which used to take teams of individuals to provide. We can provide interventions for any disabilities a student may have early on in their education.


Endless. Real-Time. Adaptability.

Find Your Path:
How AIVC Increases
Accessibility For You


Like many other mental disabilities, Autism used to take a team of individuals to diagnose and develop intervention plans. Students with Autism used to need an individualized education plan and a school environment that could properly execute that plan. Today, individuals on the spectrum can enjoy the same school as their peers. AIVC creates an environment that caters to the specific needs of individuals with autism. The digital campuses of AIVC are customizable to keep your interest by including your interests. We understand that sitting at a desk is not for everyone, and we strive to provide an environment where we cater to everyone's unique needs. AIVC campus and curriculum is designed to keep students actively engaged with fun material by managing sensory input and creating the ideal learning environment for you.


Prior to the release of AIVC, students with dyslexia had to wait for teacher or parent intervention. After noticing dyslexia traits in a student, teachers would run a variety of assessments over a long period of time before communicating to parents that their child had dyslexia. AIVC does not need to wait for students to be noticed through traditional educational practices. AI educators can quickly pick up on signs of dyslexia and immediately provide interventions for students. Orthographic processing assessments are built into individual education plans without making a student feel singled out and without waiting for a teacher to discover dyslexia once a child has fallen too far behind. With AIVC, the days of children being singled out to private special education classes and schools are gone.  Instead, our VR technology helps students visualize words in their individualized education domain.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is another condition which used to get students placed into high need schools. Students were medicated and placed in an environment that could meet their high energy and attention needs. AIVC does this naturally. Through our VR educational programs, students are constantly challenged with varying content and curriculum rotations that meet the needs of our ADHD students. Opposed to traditional education of the early 21st century, AIVC keeps students interested by structuring education through a medium that our students love. VR campuses and classrooms are designed as an adventurous experience that allows students to exert energy while completing brief and engaging content.

Oppositional Defiance Disorder


Individuals with Oppositional Defiance Disorder used to be paired up with paraprofessionals. With our AI educators, AIVC does not trigger this authority complex with students who have ODD. Additionally, our AI is not subject to human error. It does not experience emotions such as pride, which can further trigger undesired behaviors. AI does not need to challenge the student to be correct or feel superior in any given situation, and it will always take the route that will deescalate a student's behaviors. ODD fades with age, and our goal is to ensure that our students get through this part of their lives without creating lasting trauma.

Social Anxiety Disorder

While the traditional psychotherapy approach to social anxiety disorder still applies, our students with social anxiety disorder are able to thrive on our virtual campuses while still receiving their psychotherapy. The design of AIVC allows students with social anxiety disorder to focus on their studies and social engagement in a world that they're comfortable with. By attending school virtually, many triggers of social anxiety are removed by design. The use of avatars in the virtual world also removes some triggers behind social anxiety. Furthermore, if a student still begins to feel overwhelmed, they have the ability to toggle appearance of other students in the virtual world.


We believe education should be convenient and accessible to everyone in our community. AIVC  VR technology allows users to experience free movement throughout the virtual campus regardless of their physical capabilities. If users choose to have virtual limbs, the virtual world accessibility options allows movement of digital limbs through various controller interfaces based on eye movement; however, we at AIVC encourage individuals to still embrace who they are and provide easy navigation throughout the world via digital point of interest maps and rapid loading for individuals who choose not to have digital limbs.

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